Cave of Lezetxiki (Arrasate, Gipuzkoa). Middle Paleolithic
13 / 05 / 2018

Oval biface with a straight-cut distal front, worked in schist. It was found at the cave of Lezetxiki (Arrasate, Gipuzkoa), at level V of the Musterian period (mid-Palaeolithic, approximately 100 000 - 40 000 BP). This kind of utensil was used for a variety of purposes from the earliest prehistory. The pebble has been carved to create a blade along one edge.


Arrizabalaga, Alvaro ; Iriarte, María José. Ehiztari-biltzaileak Gipuzkoako Historiaurrean = Grupos Cazadores-Recolectores en la Prehistoria. Donostia : Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, 2011. 299. Arkeologia, 0.1.

